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I will always hear "Suggestive Nonsense Words" when i ever hear that song now... XD
8/9/12 responder
I totally love that second panel!
1/11/12 responder
Oh, and the third one too!
1/11/12 responder
Whoa, groovy move on that second panel. LOL

I daresay, it doesn't look like she's getting much actual CLEANING done...
1/6/12 responder
Thanks so much! And no, she's not getting any actual cleaning done.
1/8/12 responder
As a single male who has lived alone for the past 18 years I offer this piece of advice. Clean each dish as soon as your done with it. It only takes a few seconds & not nearly as big as chore as waiting tell there ain't a clean dish in the house. (All of mine are paper & plastic forks thats even more easy to clean)
1/2/12 responder
Hmmm...but I'm too lazy to clean each dish after I'm done with it! No, but really, maybe I should try that. Your technique seems like it would work well :)
1/6/12 responder
I wonder. If i paid you $5 to clean your dishes, would you?
1/1/12 responder
1/1/12 responder
Ha! I wouldn't either! I don't really know TOO well on how to do the dishes anyway.
1/2/12 responder
$10 to clean them?
1/2/12 responder
Say no!!!!
1/2/12 responder
Come on! I'd need AT LEAST $1,000
1/2/12 responder
$1,000? SOLD!
1/6/12 responder
if you offered me 6 cats or more I would.
1/10/12 responder
emphasis on more there!!
1/10/12 responder
Oh yeah! Totally! The only problem is that I live in an apartment where cats aren't allowed. Plus, I've taken care of cats before....... it's actually not very exciting.
1/11/12 responder
Wait..... Metal pam on the head??? That safe?!?!?!
Awesome strip by the way!!!!
1/1/12 responder
Of course it's safe, it's just a pan! :)
1/1/12 responder
no, the better question is "Is it clean?"
1/1/12 responder
Obviously you didn't look carefully enough -- it's the pan she cleaned in the second strip!
1/1/12 responder
just checking. ^^
1/2/12 responder
er... actually I thought the one that looked like the one that she cleaned was the one in the bottom corner, first panel. Apparently that's not the one!!!
1/2/12 responder
Hahahahaha. This is my favorite Dishes strip so far.
1/1/12 responder
I'm glad you like it! I had a lot of fun with this one, too.
1/1/12 responder
She still has a lot of dishes to do though.........
12/31/11 responder
Yeahhhh...those dishes aren't getting done anytime soon.
12/31/11 responder
maybe she thinks it's fun when she sings, dances, and doesn't do the dishes :)..... Happy New Year by the way!
1/1/12 responder
Happy New Year to you, too! And who wouldn't like singing and dancing around?
1/1/12 responder
Would she sing and dance around in the middle of a crowded shopping mall? I wouldn't. I would probably do it at home.
1/2/12 responder
I don't know, I think if the circumstances were right, she would. I probably would too! I'm a terrible dancer but SHAMELESS.
1/6/12 responder
I like dancing sometimes but I am too much of a wimp to do it in a public place.
1/6/12 responder
awesome job emma!!!
12/31/11 responder
Thanks so much!
12/31/11 responder
1/16/12 responder
I just Love this song. Lady Gaga Forever. Time to get a little jiggy with it. This is harder than I make it look. Doing the dishes is kinda f--. Well look at that, youre having fun. Just Dance, itll be OK. Doo doo, suggestive nonsense words.
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